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Title:Betsy Pinto Torres
Date of publishing:January 30, 2015
Category:Other content
Also available in the following languages:Dutch, Spanish

Betsy Pinto Torres

She obtained her second degree, in Tourism and Hotel Administration, from Inka Garcilazo de la Vega University of Lima in 2007, with particular emphasis on Incan History and Andean Societies. Passionate about nature, she was part of the ranger team of the Manu National Park in 2004. In 2007 she worked as an environmental interpreter in the Cloud Forest region in the Machupicchu National Park to improve her knowledge of nature conservation. She shared her time with Andean Communities acquiring information about their traditions and life style because anthropology and writing are her passions.

Since 2005 she has been working as an adventure trekking guide around The Andes and leading groups in traditional and cultural tours around the Cusco region.