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Date of publishing:February 22, 2015
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My name is HEIDI SINZ and I am from GermanyI met Marco Perez the first time in 2001I was in Peru to climb Ischinca, Alpoamayo, Quittaracho, with a German Organisation.Everything was perfekt organiced and Marco was leading the Group together with a German mountain Guide.We had been very successful and reached all summits.Marco did a great job be course he was the leader of climbing Alpamayo

My good experience with the Marco Perez gave me the idea, to climb again with him.2002 I organised my one little expedition from Germany with Marco.At the end we had been a young man from the USA and myself.Again – the organisation, the logistic and the experience of Marco was perfect, so we reached again several summits, like Toclarrajo, Artesanrajo and Chopicalci.

Marco Perez and his Organisation is a good address for climbing in South America.Experience, logistic and the very friendly behaviour is a good combination!


D-88175 Scheidegg


I really can advise you Marco as a mountain guide.

I met him, being the guide for a 3 weeks expedition in Peru (Matchupitchu, Ausengate, …). I really appreciated him as a guide: I felt very safe, the program was well built, so that we could acclimatize the right way. He took care of every single person in the group. And we succeeded to climb the top of the Ausengate (6336m).

I also appreciated him very much as a person: gentle, patient, humor,

During this trip I also learned a lot about the culture of Peru, the Incas, …. Thanks to him we could visit a village with natives.I have been traveling quite a lot, mostly in the mountain regions, and participated in many expeditions. So I know the difference between a bad, a good and  an excellent guide.

For me he is part of the last category.

This is the reason why I asked him in 2006 to organize for me and my friends an expedition to the Aconcagua, Argentina. Although this is not hishome country, he managed to set up and to manage an excellent expedition for us. Everything was ok.  The transport, the porters with the mules he hired, the food, the company,….. and the group (without me, I was sick the final day) got to the top.

Unbelievable what he did that day: he first brought me back to the base camp (1200 m down), went back to the top camp at 22 pm and at a few hours later, at 2 am he was ready to go with the group to the top!!

We also plan to climb the Huascaran (and some other mountains in the same area) one of the coming years. We  will not hesitate to contact him for being our guide again.

Do not hesitate to contact me if you want some more information,

Met warme groet,

Mieke Van den Bossche

Assess bvba
H. Consciencelaan 32
2820 Bonheiden


Well, Marco owns Native Adventure, an outdoor company that really dealt with our expectations and, as off our trip, gave the programmed throuput during its execution.


Marco is a skilled and trained climber and he has an extensive knowledge of Peruvian Culture, as well as country Geography and History and I think he would be able to handle a teenagers group. 

Nevertheless all worked pretty fine to us, an outdoor trip is normally dependent of weather / climate conditions, as well as of some unexpected events, not usual, but some kind of common for South America countries like Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina, such as strikes, out of some basic services etc.
As I understood the Moondance teenagers trip would be a "four hands" event with Native, despite all good references and all mentioned and proved skills above, a full agreement on trip conditions should be performed in advance, setting since the macro conditions ( routes, duration, costs, accommodations, services included and not included etc. ), as small details or micro conditions, such as food to be considered ( and participants restrictions ), participants heath conditions and special cares ( medicines etc. ), a specific participant # to guides quantities rate, a very clear and extensive description of day by day activities ( with easy, medium, hard, extraneous classification ), an exception list to cover noticed unexpected events, health insurance previously set for each single participant, hotel / hostal particular preferences etc.

By accomplishing macro and micro trip details previously between Moondance and Native, I believe your teenagers would really be able to enjoy the trip and remember it as a memorable one of their lifes !

Please, feel free to contact me anytime if any further information is needed.

Also, you may reach some of our trip's pictures at facebook ( I asked your friendship ).

All the best, 

Carlos A. Monteiro, MSc.
Sr. Vehicle System Engineer
General Motors do Brasil
ECS - Electrical Systems, Controls & Software Engineering
Phone : (55 11) 4234-3499 / (55 11) 8782-9383
Fax     : (55 11) 4234-8378
